Join Dorset Clim
ate Action Network
Please use this form to join Dorset CAN.
To become an organisational member
please use this form
Anyone can join, not just Dorset residents, but it helps us to know where you live.
There's no membership fee, but if you would like to make a donation,
here are details
When joining, you agree to our
membership terms & conditions
privacy policy
indicates required
* Email Address
* First Name
* Last Name
Phone Number
Any skills/experience that could be useful
Please tell us about any particular skills, knowledge, contacts or experience that could be helpful to DorsetCAN.
* Terms & Conditions (see link at top of the page)
I wish to join DorsetCAN as a Member and agree to the membership terms
*Location. I live in (or just outside):
North Dorset
West Dorset
Weymouth and Portland
Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole
East Dorset
I live elsewhere
* I'm interested in helping with these teams:
Action Team
Campaigns Team
Energy (generation and use)
Facilitation / Events Team
Land Use / Agriculture / Wildlife & Biodiversity
Media / Website / Communications
Membership Team
Newsletter Team
Questions Team (putting questions to our Councils)
Waste Team
I don't have time to help
Youth Team